September 25 : 2023, Jajarkot ,Nepal – Saathi extended its technical support to the Hilly Region Development Campaign (HRDC), a grassroots civil society organization dedicated to the betterment of marginalized communities in Jajarkot on 20-25 September 2023.

A four-day intensive workshop organized by HRDC served as a platform for them to review and reflect on the knowledge of the staff and board members on the issue and update the organization’s GESI policy and code of conduct.

The workshop, attended by 41 participants, provided crucial orientation on GESI matters and shed light on the significance of LGBTIQ+ inclusion. As a collaborative effort, this program saw a dedicated team from Saathi and the Blue Diamond Society (BDS) visiting HRDC to facilitate the proceedings.

The workshop delved into a multitude of GESI-related subjects, including discussions on gender and socialization, challenging gender stereotypes, and exploring the overarching concepts of gender and social justice. It also emphasized various approaches to GESI mainstreaming, the importance of intersectionality, and the pressing issues concerning LGBTIQ++ inclusion.

This initiative was part of the “Strengthening CSOs and Amplifying Children’s Voices through Networking, Knowledge Sharing, and Action Learning for Promoting Children’s Rights in Nepal (SANKALP)” program. The SANKALP program, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and implemented under the auspices of Save The Children in Nepal, is dedicated to empowering civil society organizations.

Its overarching goal is to make their development initiatives more effective and inclusive, with a strong focus on gender transformation, climate responsiveness, and child-friendliness.

In addition to these objectives, the SANKALP program is committed to safeguarding civic space to advance the rights of marginalized and underprivileged populations, encompassing women, children, and members of sexual and gender minority groups.

This collaborative endeavor reflects a shared commitment to building a fair and inclusive society, commencing at the grassroots level. Saathi and BDS have been assigned as gender technical partners in capacitating other consortium members of SANKALP program.