Generating Ownership Awareness & Liberation (GOAL) Program

Generating Ownership Awareness & Liberation (GOAL) Project
Supported by: Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal (AEIN)
Project duration (2024-26)

Generating Ownership Awareness & Liberation (GOAL) is a pioneering initiative designed to dismantle harmful gender stereotypes and combat sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the Sudurpaschim Province of Nepal. This endeavor follows Saathi’s long-standing commitment to gender equality and builds on the momentum of previous programs addressing domestic violence and empowering vulnerable communities.

By focusing on movement building and advocating for systemic changes, GOAL aims to transform social norms and foster a culture of respect and dignity for all, particularly targeting the underprivileged communities in Krishnapur and Shuklaphanta municipalities. This comprehensive project engages in community mobilization, build accountability of governments, and conduct advocacy to instigate systemic changes that promote gender equality and safeguard individual dignity.

The project aims to enhance accountability within local and provincial governments to better prevent and respond to cases of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). Additionally, it seeks to shift community mindsets, particularly among men and boys, towards preventing SGBV. To achieve these goals, the project will engage men and boys in promoting positive masculinity.

Furthermore, the intervention will collaborate with schools, involving students, teachers, and parents to cultivate a gender-inclusive learning environment. This will involve implementing age-appropriate comprehensive sexual education and addressing school-related SGBV.

Moreover, the project prioritizes improving GBV essential services for SGBV survivors. This includes providing safe accommodation and other necessary services to enhance survivors’ access to justice. Additionally, the project will offer capacity-building opportunities to successfully reintegrate survivors into society.

This intervention devises an integrated approach to tackling SGBV and promoting gender equality in Nepal. Through targeted objectives and carefully designed activities, the project aims to create lasting change by empowering communities, enhancing accountability, and fostering safe environments for all individuals.