January 30, 2023 – Saathi conducted a 2-day workshop on January 29 and 30 for amplifying voice, inclusive local governance and meaningful participation of elected women ward representatives from Lalitpur Metropolitan City. The workshop was inaugurated by president of Saathi, Ms. Sajani Amatya, CEDAW committee member, Ms. Bandana Rana, the chief guest, member of the House of Representatives Honorary Dr. Arzu Deuba, the Mayor of Lalitpur, Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan and Deputy Mayor of Lalitpur, Ms. Manjali Shakya Bajracharya.
Ms. Bandana Rana, Ms. Laxmi Kumari Basnet, Mr. Sameer Ghimire and Ms. Rabina Luitel, Ms. Meekha Mathema, Ms. Indu Tuladhar, Ms. Babita Basnet and Ms. Maheswari Bisht were among the resource persons who contributed their time for this workshop. Day 1 of the workshop focused on experience sharing, local government processes, discussion of roles of these women at ward level and ended with the discussion on addressing harmful gender stereotypes. Day 2 of the workshop focused on self-care, strengthening interpersonal communication, advocacy, and presentation skills for these women, strengthening collective movement across and above party lines for gender equality and ended with a session on enhancing social media skills for advocacy.