March 9, 2024, Lalitpur – In commemoration of the 114th International Women’s Day, Saathi Children Program organized a special event dedicated to honoring the invaluable contributions of its female staff members. The three-hour program served as a celebratory space where participants reflected on their most cherished moments from 2023 and collaboratively envisioned plans for the upcoming year, 2024. The event fostered an inspiring atmosphere where women shared their experiences, with a notable emphasis on self-care and personal development.

Throughout the celebration, participants exhibited a keen awareness of mental and physical well-being, showcasing Saathi’s commitment to supporting the holistic development of its female staff. The occasion not only provided an opportunity for women to bond and uplift each other but also underscored the importance of nurturing one’s mental and physical health. Such celebrations of womanhood play a crucial role in creating a safe and empowering space, where women can find inspiration and strength in their collective journey.