Pokhara, September 8, 2023 – Saathi organized a consultative meeting with Gandaki Province Assembly and government to discuss the internalization of the CEDAW concluding observation in provincial annual plan and program.
Bandana Rana, Expert Member at the CEDAW committee, sensitized information on the implementation of essential provisions related to gender equality and women’s empowerment as outlined in CEDAW mechanism. The program involved the participation of members of the Gandaki Province Assembly and high-ranking government officials.
Laxmi Kumari Basnet, the Chief Secretary of Gandaki Province, emphasized the pivotal role of CEDAW provisions in shaping the upcoming second five-year plan for the province. These provisions will serve as guiding principles for advancing gender equality through a series of targeted programs and strategies.
The Chief of Gandaki Province Police has reaffirmed the commitment to ensuring the safety and security of women and children in the region. He emphasized that in accordance with domestic violence laws, the police are mandated to act as mediators in such cases. To fulfill this crucial role effectively, he highlighted the urgent need to enhance the capacity of police personnel in mediation skills
Members of the Provincial Assembly expressed the need to centralize gender development-related data for analysis at the provincial level. They also pointed out that Dalit women had not received social recognition for their progress, and opportunities were not provided according to their capabilities. Some Assembly members highlighted the challenges in implementing gender-friendly policies and programs in Gandaki Province.
The patriarchal mindset and behavior continue to limit women’s participation and decision-making within households, and it was noted that they still have a limited role in decision-making processes.