July 2, 2023 (Kanchanpur) – Saathi recently concluded extensive fieldwork for a baseline survey in Krishnapur and Shuklaphanta, two municipalities in Kanchanpur district, Sudurpaschim province. It is a part of pre-scoping study of a new project ‘Promoting transformative actions to eliminate harmful gender stereotypes and sexual and gender-based violence’, Saathi is going to design and implement under the auspices of  Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal (AEIN) Luxembourg. We engaged with various stakeholders, including government officials, Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Ward Chairs, Women’s Rights Activists, and Essential Service Providers for SGBV survivors. Their valuable insights are crucial to shape the project as per the ground reality and local needs. 

We also organized Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) with different groups, such as women’s groups, men’s groups, adolescent girls’ groups, and SGBV survivors from both municipalities. Additionally, we conducted surveys in the community and schools to gather qualitative data on the SGBV situation.

These interactions provided us with a deeper understanding of the local context, enabling us to tailor our project to address the specific needs and challenges faced by the community.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to the duty bearers at the local government for their warm welcome and unwavering support throughout this process. Their collaboration and commitment to addressing GBV-related issues will play a crucial role in our efforts to bring about positive change.