April 27, 2024, Lalitpur – The two-day workshop “Strengthening Advocacy and Accountability for Transitional Justice” on April 26 and 27 was held in Lalitpur, Nepal. It was designed to reflect their experiences and better equip conflict survivors with effective advocacy and strategic negotiation skills in the transitional justice process.
In addition to the theoretical and practical understanding of advocacy and negotiation skills, a specific session focused on women’s role in peacebuilding efforts and emphasized the importance of implementing UN resolutions 1325 and 1820 to ensure gender-inclusive processes.
During the workshop, Conflict survivors and leaders of various conflict victims networks shared their experiences and strategies for advocating and negotiating with various stakeholders in the process of transitional justice. To make learning more effective for conflict survivors, a wide range of interactive activities, such as informative presentations, group discussions, engaging group activities, and an open Q&A session were applied.
The workshop was organized by Saathi in collaboration with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP). Altogether, 32 conflict victims from various parts of the country, including martyrs and disappeared families, victims of torture, displaced, wounded and others attended the workshop. Along with the Saathi team, the sessions of the workshop were facilitated by Lt. Gen. (Retd) Bala Nanda Sharma, Bandana Rana, and Chiranjibi Bhandari. During the closing session, participants expressed that the workshop had provided them with the skills and knowledge necessary to balance advocacy and negotiation in their pursuit of truth and justice.